Record of Agarest War Zero Trophies Here is the full list of all 44 Record of Agarest War Zero trophies - there are 24 bronze, 17 silver, 2 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 43 Offline Mode 43 Single Player 3 Main Storyline 6 Difficulty Specific 3 Collectable 13 Missable 5 Cumulative + 3 Cumulative - 5 Level 3 Shop 4 Time Consuming 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Platinum TrophyYou've acquired all the trophies. First in our HeartsCleared Generation 1. Second to NoneCleared Generation 2. Truth and ConsequencesSaw the true ending. The Important Bits, at LeastCleared the digest route. Fleet of FootRaise your AGI over 50! Stout of HeartRaise your VIT over 50! Strong of BodyRaise your STR over 50! Sound of MindRaise your INT over 50! Stroke of LuckRaise your LUK over 50! It's a Trap!Captured a monster. 1 guideCh-Ch-Ch-Ch-ChangesConverted an item. It Happens to a Lot of GuysNope, he did it again. 1 guideIt's the Only Way to be SureDefeated an opponent with an Overkill. Better Safe Than SorryOverkilled 500 enemies. It's My SpecialtySuccessfully executed a Special Art. Time and AgainSuccessfully executed a distinctive Special Art. MonstrousCombined monsters. 1 guideThe CombineCombine monsters 100 times. Nirvana...?Created a marionette. Stay Classy, KraltarlaChange your class. This takes a special item... He Chose...PoorlyChanged Ellis's appearance. Son of a BeachYou have visited the beach. Hot Springs EternalYou have visited the hot springs. I KnowYou reached the end of a generation with at least one woman completely in love with you. Til You DropWent shopping 500 times. Certified Pre-OwnedSold 1000 items. Don't Get Cocky!You've defeated the monstrous Decimal. They Mostly Come Out at NightDefeated the four types of hidden monsters. Fight in the ShadeDefeated 10,000 enemies. Love is a BattlefieldEngaged in 2,500 battles. Real Soviet DamageDealt 10,000,000 points of damage. You're Already Dead!Try and get a hit count of 650. 1 guideSpoils of WarEarned 25,000,000 G. Enhance! Enhance!Earned 25,000,000 EP. Point TechnicianEarned 10,000 TP. You're En Good HanceEnhanced items over 5,000 times. HomeownerGot your first title! LandlordYou have more than 100 titles. MonarchYou have all the titles. Good work! We Meet at LastEncountered the worst enemy. Dungeon MasterCleared all the hidden dungeons. ProfilificUnlocked all profiles. David AttenboroughCompleted the monster picture book.