Abathor Trophies Here is the full list of all 30 Abathor trophies - there are 12 bronze, 11 silver, 6 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Complete all trophiesComplete all trophies Guardian of the OceansDefeat Kraken Hide adsNow it's MY towerDrive Kipak away Exterminator of BeastsDefeat Hekatombe Purger of SwampsDefeat Slygor'ulax The conquered conquerorDefeat Xythul Unparalleled DuelistDefeat Kipak once and for all Destroyer of TitansDefeat Astraios If it's alive, it can dieDefeat Pyrakles Dust in the windDefeat Evaimon Epic Hero of AtlantisDefeat Vorathor Destiny favors meBreak the Orb of Ananke Treasure AddictGet the end of stage reward for 1 player My mechanical friendRescue Bubo Buyer of HellBuy an item at the Wandering Demon Grant me revengeDefeat Xythul playing with Crantor Liberator of SpiritsFinish stage 9.3 playing with Sais Kritias' smileDefeat Evaimon playing with Kritias I swore to kill ALL demonsDefeat Vorathor playing with Azaes Collector of CrystalsGather 30 crystals for the Orb of Ananke Flawless VictoryComplete a stage with full health Demolisher of ObsidianDestroy an Obelisk of Abathor Lore SeekerRead a Lore entry after zone 5 DiehardFinish a stage with just 1 health point Lord of SoulsFinish a stage with at least 500 souls Looter of AbathorSteal Khaos' arcane eyeball Curse BreakerSave Ampheres from his curse Revealer of TruthsReveal the true ending The Gods' RegaliaHave the 12 enhacenment items equipped Master of the ArcadesGet 15 credits