Fight as Woody in New AWAY: Journey to the Unexpected Gameplay VideoA new gameplay video for soon to be released first-person RPG shows another friend that you can step into the shoes of and fight with. This time it's Woody who, as you may have guessed, is a tree. Posted 6 years ago by Chewie
AWAY: Journey to the Unexpected Demonstrates the Power of FriendshipA new 10 minute gameplay video has been released for upcoming first person RPG AWAY: Journey To The Unexpected, showing some of the cartoonish exploration and action you'll expect to see from the game. Posted 6 years ago by Chewie
PLAYDIUS Announces Boiling Bolt and Teases Unannounced TitlesPLAYDIUS may not have made a splash on PS4 yet, but that's set to change with not one but eight upcoming titles. The publisher has announced seven of them but one is new to us: Boiling Bolt. Posted 8 years ago by Rebecca Smith
TT@EGX Rezzed: Making Friends in AWAY: Journey To The UnexpectedHidden among all of the titles spouting terms like "rogue-lite" and "randomly-generated" is a quirky upcoming RPG with cartoon graphics, wacky humour and a strong heart. Posted 8 years ago by Sam Quirke
Weekend Announcements March 10-12th Part 1: Idea Factory, PLAYDIUS and TVRAnother weekend, another game conference. This time it was the turn of PAX East to bring us a lot of news. We'll begin with the many announcements to come out of the weekend. Posted 8 years ago by Rebecca Smith