A-Train Express Trophies Here is the full list of all 39 A-Train Express trophies - there are 19 bronze, 17 silver, 2 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 36 Offline Mode 36 Single Player 2 Main Storyline 6 Cumulative + 3 Cumulative - 7 Shop 3 Unobtainable 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply A-Train ExpertAchieve all Trophies. My First Train StationPlace a Train Station on your map in "New Game" with Game Mode. My First TrainPlace a Train on your map in "New Game" with Game Mode. My First FreightPlace a Freight on your map in "New Game" with Game Mode. My First DepotPlace a Depot on your map in "New Game" with Game Mode. My First Bus StopPlace a Bus Stop on your map in "New Game" with Game Mode. My First BusPlace a Bus on your map in "New Game" with Game Mode. My First TruckPlace a Truck on your map in "New Game" with Game Mode. My First Materials FactoryBuild a Materials Factory on your map in "New Game" with Game Mode. My First SkyscraperBuild a Skyscraper on your map in "New Game" with Game Mode. My First SubwayPlace a Subway Station on your map in "New Game" with Game Mode. My First Geo TrialTry Geo with your map in "New Game" with Game Mode. My First Customized TrainCreate your Customized Train on your map in "New Game" with Game Mode. My First Train ScheduleSetup Train Schedule of your map in "New Game" with Game Mode. My First Power PlantBuild a Power Plant on your map in "New Game" with Game Mode. My First StockBuy a Stock on your map in "New Game" with Game Mode. My First DebtBorrow Money on your map in "New Game" with Game Mode. My First Train Window Mode TrialTry Train Window Mode on your map in "New Game" with Game Mode. My First Drive Mode TrialTry Drive Mode on your map in "New Game" with Game Mode. My First User GameSave a new User Game with Map Construction Mode My First PortBuild a Port on your map in "New Game" with Game Mode. Dream AirplaneBuild and open a Airport on your map in "New Game" with Game Mode. Dream Maglev TrainAttract a project of Maglev Train Station and open it on your map in "New Game" with Game Mode. Never-ending RailwayReach 1000 km in Total Track Length on any map in "New Game" with Game Mode. Organized Road NetworkReach 1000 km in Total Road Length on any map in "New Game" with Game Mode. MegalopolisReach 10 million in a Population on any map in "New Game" with Game Mode. Power Plant ComplexReach 10 million KWH in Total Electoric Power on any map in "New Game" with Game Mode. Eco-Friendly ZoneReach 10 million KWH in Total Ecology Power on any map in "New Game" with Game Mode. Trillion-doller-a-year CompanyReach 1 trillion yen in Total Funds on any map in "New Game" with Game Mode. Railway SocietyPlace 30 Train Stations on any map in "New Game" with Game Mode. Automobile SocietyPlace 50 Bus Stops and Depots on any map in "New Game" with Game Mode. BillionaireReach 200 billion doller in Annual Profits (Total Returns - Total Costs) on any map in "New Game" with Game Mode. Outstanding ManagerReach 100 billion doller in Annual Subsidiary Profit in Profit Data on any map in "New Game" with Game Mode. Railroad BuffDisplay all Trains at Train Museum on your map in "New Game" with Game Mode. Railroad ProfessionalDisplay all Trains at Train Museum 2 on your map in "New Game" with Game Mode. Railroad PremiumDisplay all Trains at Train Museum 3 on your map in "New Game" with Game Mode. Railroad MastersDisplay all Trains at Train Museum 4 on your map in "New Game" with Game Mode. Dream Bullet TrainAttract a Bullet Train Station and open it on your map in "New Game" with Game Mode. Legendary ManagerReach 10 trillion yen in Total Funds on any map in "New Game" with Game Mode.