7 Days to Die (PS4) Trophies Here is the full list of all 44 7 Days to Die trophies - there are 32 bronze, 8 silver, 3 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 4 Online Mode 39 Online/Offline 43 Single Player 43 Cooperative 43 Versus 21 Cumulative + 5 Cumulative - 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply 100% ClearThis is the platinum trophy and is unlocked automatically when all the trophies have been unlocked Cause he's the Ax ManCraft your first Stone Ax Good in the sackPlace your first bedroll, old bed or king sized bed Playing DoctorStop a critical bleed-out with a bandage, first aid bandage or first aid kit Handy ManCraft your first wood frame The Homestead ActPlace your first Land Claim Alexander BellCraft 50 Items Benjamin FranklinCraft 500 Items Henry FordCraft 1500 Items Thomas EdisonCraft 5000 Items The Grave DiggerKill 10 zombies 1 guideThe EmbalmerKill 100 zombies The MorticianKill 500 zombies The Funeral DirectorKill 2500 zombies NapoleonKill 10 Players Julius CaesarKill 100 other players Genghis KhanKill 500 other players Alexander the GreatKill 2500 other players Christopher ColumbusTravel 10 Kilometers 1 guideFerdinand MagellanTravel 50 Kilometers 1 guideMarco PoloTravel 250 Kilometers Neil ArmstrongTravel 1000 Kilometers Bite the DustDie 5 Times Knock em DeadDie 25 Times Your Number's UpDie 100 Times Meet Your MakerDie 500 Times Alive and KickingReached 125 in Wellness Fit as a FiddleReached 150 in Wellness Healthy as a HorseReached 175 in Wellness The Picture of Good HealthReached 200 in Wellness ScavengerScored 10 in a Single Game AdventurerScored 50 in a Single Game NomadScored 250 in a Single Game WarriorScored 500 in a Single Game SurvivalistScored 1000 in a Single Game On Top of the WorldGet up to the 255 meter height in a game 1 guideDig DeepGet down to 3 meters or bedrock in a game The Polar Bare ClubBe naked, feels like temperature 0° or lower, and 100% wet Dirty LarryKill 44 punks with a 44 magnum Evil KnievelBreak your leg Brush with Death50 Minutes Lived in a Single Player Game Near Death Experience150 Minutes Lived in a Single Player Game Cheated Death500 Minutes Lived in a Single Player Game Nearly Immortal1250 Minutes Lived in a Single Player Game