Toukiden 2 Trophies

Here is the full list of all 50 Toukiden 2 trophies - there are 36 bronze, 11 silver, 2 gold and 1 platinum.

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  • Soft & Fluffy

    Become friends with a Tenko.

  • Jack of All Trades

    Unlock all of the Stamps available in "Toukiden 2."

  • Tycoon

    Acquire a total of 1 million Haku.

  • True Love

    Raise your bond with one of your allies to its maximum level.

  • Big in Mahoroba

    Raise your bonds with all of your allies to their maximum level.

  • Know Your Enemy

    Slay all of the Oni available in "Toukiden 2."

  • Hero's Guide

    Upgrade all of the Boosts available with a single Mitama to their maximum level.

  • Mitama Savior

    Obtain all of the Mitama available in "Toukiden 2."

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    Toukiden 2 FAQ
    • How many trophies are there in Toukiden 2?
      There are 50 trophies in Toukiden 2 - 36 bronze, 11 silver, 2 gold and 1 platinum.
      You can view the full list of Toukiden 2 trophies here.
    • Is Toukiden 2 on PlayStation Plus?
      Yes, Toukiden 2 is currently available on PlayStation Plus Extra, and higher tiers.
    • When did Toukiden 2 release on PlayStation?
      Toukiden 2 was released on March 21st, 2017.