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EA Reveals Upcoming Titles in Earnings Call

  • PunkyliarPunkyliar110,380
    Posted on 05 February 17 at 22:54
    Hopefully Need for Speed 2017/2018 drops the whole persistent online thing. The series has been a mixed bag in focus and quality. With the lack of arcade style racers, I continue to support Need for Speed because there really isn't much else out there nowadays.
    Remember to give credit to the person who got you to join the site!
  • Posted on 06 February 17 at 09:47
    Last one I enjoyed was Most Wanted. Hope they can get back to that!
  • TinCannEdTinCannEd361,010
    Posted on 07 February 17 at 09:28
    They won't drop the always Online for NFS, as they actually had less issues & complaints with glitchers. I didn't see any problem with it being online. It wasn't like you had a Bunch of Ranked MP trophies, where you only would get matched up with "This is the only Game I play" gamers.
  • Posted on 24 February 17 at 08:20
    Time to (actually) plat my copy of NFS Rivals by finishing my last 8 cop levels.
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