Harris59 said:Twinkling82 said:Many would have loved Watch Dogs - however
many do already own the game 
Yup, that's me right there, anyone who wanted it or was curious probably already have it like me xD. Watch Dogs as well as other popular AAA games would be terrible on PS+, no one would get the benefit.
Actually I wouldn't mind getting Watch_Dogs. Got it early on and I was disappointed so I returned it within a day for a full refund. Even now it's available for €10 I'm hesitating about getting it because I have so many backlog games I'd rather be playing.
PureVapour420 said:munchmagic1986 said:Meh, but then 95% of the marketplace is just crap so not surprising that all these are uninteresting.
Very true indeed! Whats happening this gen all the great AAA titles are few n far between?! Talk about slow...
That seems to be a bit negative of you both... Dunno what's happening with munch these days but he has never been this negative about the available games before.
I think there's plenty of good AAA games released each month and I think there's a lot of awesome indie games as well. Not only that, this seems to be one of the better PS+ months for many people.