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PS Plus Lineup for May 2016

  • Posted on 28 April 16 at 17:16
    Easy solution, only buy games if you plan to play them in the forseeable future. Like food. Use it or lose it.
    I'm sure I had a signature before...
  • Posted on 28 April 16 at 18:36
    Tropico 5 sounds like a game I'll really enjoy. I'm looking forward to it!
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 28 April 16 at 19:57
    Prem-aka-Prince said:Easy solution, only buy games if you plan to play them in the forseeable future. Like food. Use it or lose it.Agreed Prince. I've really got to stop the silly impulse buying. I've got well over 400 games for both platforms. I wouldnt really need to buy again for years.
    Gamers don't die, we respawn!
  • Posted on 28 April 16 at 22:01, Edited on 28 April 16 at 22:03 by Prem-aka-Prince
    JoystiQz-_-z said:
    Prem-aka-Prince said:
    Easy solution, only buy games if you plan to play them in the forseeable future. Like food. Use it or lose it.
    Agreed Prince. I've really got to stop the silly impulse buying. I've got well over 400 games for both platforms. I wouldnt really need to buy again for years.
    I'm sure you came to the same conclusion already several months ago, and I'm glad to see you got there again this time, proving your internal logic is consistent laugh
    I'm sure I had a signature before...
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 28 April 16 at 22:10, Edited on 28 April 16 at 22:11 by
    The problem you're talking about is why I stopped playing on X360, too big a backlog.

    With PlayStation I started fresh, now I try not to buy games if my paid backlog for a console reaches double digits. Works fine so far, soon I'll start working on my PS+ backlog.
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 28 April 16 at 22:14
    Prem-aka-Prince said:
    JoystiQz-_-z said:
    Prem-aka-Prince said:
    Easy solution, only buy games if you plan to play them in the forseeable future. Like food. Use it or lose it.
    Agreed Prince. I've really got to stop the silly impulse buying. I've got well over 400 games for both platforms. I wouldnt really need to buy again for years.
    I'm sure you came to the same conclusion already several months ago, and I'm glad to see you got there again this time, proving your internal logic is consistent laugh
    And one day I'll make the next step and actually take my own advise. The first step is admitting there is a problem.....right?
    Gamers don't die, we respawn!
  • Posted on 01 May 16 at 16:43
    Switch Galaxy Ultra looks like extreme minion rush laugh
  • Posted on 01 May 16 at 17:05
    munchmagic1986 said:Meh, but then 95% of the marketplace is just crap so not surprising that all these are uninteresting.Very true indeed! Whats happening this gen all the great AAA titles are few n far between?! Talk about slow...
    Are we born not knowing or are we born knowing all, are we growing wiser or are we just growing tall
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 03 May 16 at 08:50
    Harris59 said:
    Twinkling82 said:
    Many would have loved Watch Dogs - however many do already own the game laugh
    Yup, that's me right there, anyone who wanted it or was curious probably already have it like me xD. Watch Dogs as well as other popular AAA games would be terrible on PS+, no one would get the benefit.
    Actually I wouldn't mind getting Watch_Dogs. Got it early on and I was disappointed so I returned it within a day for a full refund. Even now it's available for €10 I'm hesitating about getting it because I have so many backlog games I'd rather be playing.

    PureVapour420 said:
    munchmagic1986 said:
    Meh, but then 95% of the marketplace is just crap so not surprising that all these are uninteresting.
    Very true indeed! Whats happening this gen all the great AAA titles are few n far between?! Talk about slow...
    That seems to be a bit negative of you both... Dunno what's happening with munch these days but he has never been this negative about the available games before.

    I think there's plenty of good AAA games released each month and I think there's a lot of awesome indie games as well. Not only that, this seems to be one of the better PS+ months for many people.
  • Posted on 03 May 16 at 09:36, Edited on 03 May 16 at 10:31 by Prem-aka-Prince
    The games this month alone have a total list price of £70 even before counting the second headliner, the launching-with-PS+ timed exclusive.
    Edit: It's £15, so I guess that makes £85 for this month.
    I'm sure I had a signature before...
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 03 May 16 at 11:52
    I just realised I probably don't even have any room on my PS4 unless I get very creative... My hard drive is getting very full at the moment with games I don't want to delete even though I have 100%ed them, and games I still want to play in the near future. If only I could bring myself to do the AC Unity DLC, that's 55GB I could delete...

    I'll probably just delete Injustice and first download Table Top Racing. I'll play Tropico eventually but probably not within the next month or two.
  • Posted on 03 May 16 at 12:32
    Good news for you then and other people with not much HDD space: TTR:World Tour is listed as 1.7GB on sen store, and Tropico 5 is 2.63GB on my HDD and I can confirm there are no patches.
    I'm sure I had a signature before...
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 03 May 16 at 13:18
    That's awesome news, thanks! I just put the download on for Racing before clicking this thread, now I'm doing the same for Tropico. I don't have enough for Tropico it seems, I think it's weird that my PS4 wants to keep about 20GB free. Is this an optional choice I can switch to 10 or less even?
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 03 May 16 at 17:23
    Table Top Racing is fun, people should give it a try smile
  • MonkeyBrad91MonkeyBrad91456,481
    Posted on 03 May 16 at 19:41
    BillyHorrible said:
    Table Top Racing is fun, people should give it a try smile
    Yeah I'm really enjoying it. Me and billy did the multiplayer trophies, work fine in closed matches so perfectly boostable. Collectibles are well hidden and enjoyable to find, the story is mostly easy but has a few challenging moments.
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 03 May 16 at 20:30
    MonkeyBrad91 said:
    BillyHorrible said:
    Table Top Racing is fun, people should give it a try smile
    Yeah I'm really enjoying it. Me and billy did the multiplayer trophies, work fine in closed matches so perfectly boostable. Collectibles are well hidden and enjoyable to find, the story is mostly easy but has a few challenging moments.
    I'm thinking now that those special events are going to cost me some tears and curses smile most of the trophies should not cause any trouble though.
  • Gyomei_XGyomei_X58,456
    Posted on 22 May 16 at 18:32
    a new game I was interested on xbox one, free on ps4 (T5?!). It's lit. Glad I'm getting another ps4
    Richard Dawkins is the man
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