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US PS Now Update Adds Saints Row Series

  • ArmyVaultArmyVault323,936
    Posted on 02 February 16 at 23:59
    Some solid games on that list. Saints Row, Metro, Dead Island and Sacred? Good gravy!
    Posted on 03 February 16 at 03:09
    Kind of surprised they aren't adding trophies server side to the games that lack them. Though I imagine there would be some backlash if only psnow copies got trophy support. Still, it would likely get more trophy hunters on board the psnow hype train.
    Remember to give credit to the person who got you to join the site!
  • Posted on 03 February 16 at 13:50
    Anyone know when more titles will be added to the UK ps now,a few big games but overall not a fantastic selection as a lot of games have dlc which you can't use.
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