The Bargain Bin

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EU Playstation Store Discounts: October 21st, 2015

  • Posted on 21 October 15 at 15:11
    Does the Bioshock Trilogy pack have all of the DLC for all three games? For the usual price of $90 I'd hope it would.

    Anyway there's some good discounts here; definitely picking up Deadstorm Pirates and Pier Solar (which is part of the digital discounts sale you didn't list) and maybe Resident Evil Revelations 2.
  • Reevys-91Reevys-91357,791
    Posted on 21 October 15 at 17:28
    I cannot believe the Bioshock Infinite season pass STILL isn't on sale. Getting real sick of this.
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 21 October 15 at 18:44, Edited on 21 October 15 at 18:55 by
    Nice bunch of sales, don't know if I'll get anything yet.

    I just went into the PlayStation store on my PS4 and there's way more discounts next to the Halloween ones... I Am Bread, Bridge, White Knight and Calvino Noir 50% off, for instance.
  • MonkeyBrad91MonkeyBrad91460,653
    Posted on 23 October 15 at 01:02
    Only thing I picked up was The Bridge, an interesting escher puzzle game. Part of the Digital Discounts sale not mentioned in the article (as pointed out to me by Billy). I was semi-tempted by the £4 Grim Fandango, but I've got a few point and clicks in the backlog already and I'm running out of puzzle games. :)
  • Posted on 23 October 15 at 21:21
    Everybody's Gone to the Rapture is tempting, heard it a decent game!
  • Posted on 24 October 15 at 10:23
    Hmm, was hoping Costume Quest 2 might be in the sale :( Ah well, found a few other games not listed that I think I might get instead.
    Hope for the best but expect the worst.
  • Posted on 24 October 15 at 10:32
    A_Tennis_Giraffe said:Hmm, was hoping Costume Quest 2 might be in the sale :( I know right? It is bad enough Costume Quest 2 didn't release on Halloween last year like the first one, but not including them in a Halloween sale is just silly, should be the first one on the list really.
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