The Bargain Bin

Forum for discussing where to pick up cheap deals

EU Playstation Store Discounts: June 3rd, 2015

  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 03 June 15 at 16:02
    The trophy link for back to the future is the platinum game but the link in the price for the store is for the 5 game series which doesn't have a platinum just thought I'd let you know
  • Posted on 03 June 15 at 16:06
    M0j0s_D0j0 said:The trophy link for back to the future is the platinum game but the link in the price for the store is for the 5 game series which doesn't have a platinum just thought I'd let you knowI know but it with the main game being 5 seperate lists it just seemed easier. The store link goes to the 5 game series version with the plat though.
  • Posted on 03 June 15 at 22:25
    I really wanted to get the physical copies of TWD and TWAU on the PS4, but these prices make that pretty hard to justify right now. Very tempting indeed!
    Hope for the best but expect the worst.
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 04 June 15 at 09:09
    I may just get Wolf for the PS4. I still think it sucks they got that collection right after I bought everything except Wolf individually.
  • MonkeyBrad91MonkeyBrad91456,462
    Posted on 04 June 15 at 13:27, Edited on 04 June 15 at 14:55 by MonkeyBrad91
    My poor pocket! laugh Picked up more of the telltale series' I was missing -- Monkey Island, Wolf Among Us, WD: 400 days, WD Season 2, SBCGFAP and to round it out nearer to £20, poker night 2.

    I'll wait for the inevitable £6 or less sale on Borderlands and Game of Thrones. :) I guess this will give me plenty to play next week -- Now I need to stop buying more!!

    EDIT: I was super confused by how they did the season pass, since downloading did nothing. It seems that buying the season pass turns the individual episodes to "free", so you just have to get them all one at a time. Meaning another email every time, so my phone won't stop buzzing laugh
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