The Bargain Bin

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North America PSN Flash Sale: March 20th, 2015

  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 21 March 15 at 16:27
    holy crap been away for a few days on x1 then i come back and we get this massive and best flash sale i've seen so far best get me some credit
  • Posted on 21 March 15 at 17:13
    Ehhh disappointing selection of Vita games
  • Linkx41Linkx4152,138
    Posted on 21 March 15 at 18:03
    VoodooTrumpet said:Ehhh disappointing selection of Vita gamesGravity Rush is a steal
    The King of Hyrule
  • ArmyVaultArmyVault324,003
    Posted on 21 March 15 at 19:31
    THIS SALE shock
  • Posted on 21 March 15 at 21:44
    Holy Froot on sale for less than a dollar?! Madness! clap

    *checks calendar just to make sure it isn't April 1st*
    "Be firm, but gentle; determined, but kind."
  • Posted on 21 March 15 at 21:50
    MysticalShadow86 said:Thank god for my USA account. Time to throw some money on it methinks, as there is quite a few titles here im going to be do you buy on other regions besides ebay
  • Posted on 21 March 15 at 21:51, Edited on 21 March 15 at 21:52 by munchmagic1986
    FNL4EVA23 said:MysticalShadow86 said:Thank god for my USA account. Time to throw some money on it methinks, as there is quite a few titles here im going to be do you buy on other regions besides ebayMysticalShadow86 said:BillyHorrible said:Okay there's all those Telltale games I want so how do I go about getting a US account with money on it and if I buy something with that account can I play on my own account? Or can I just switch my own account to US for a day and do I keep my funds? And is any of this for me legal to do?There are several guides online about how to create a USA account. Yes you can play them on your own account, as long as the games are downloaded and installed on the USA account, then just switch back to your main and launch the game.

    Your credit/debit card wount work with your USA account due to region locking. So do get around that you will need to buy a USA PSN card, there are several sites around which sell them I tend to get mine from

    Yes its legal to do, as Sony systems are region free for 99.9% of games. (Note: If you get a game from another region then DLC will have to be brought from the same region, ie USA game will need USA DLC. You will be able to play the DLC on your main though.)
  • LeigrezLeigrez1,786,718
    Posted on 22 March 15 at 00:33
    tweakleton said:Yeah my store isn't updated so I just have to look up each game.

    $2.40 for $60 in games.. I feel like a video game hoarder.
    Go onto the computer and looks at the sale... it's on there, purchase and hit download... it'll automatically download to that given system.

    Linkx41 said:VoodooTrumpet said:Ehhh disappointing selection of Vita gamesGravity Rush is a stealGravity Rush was free for PS plus a while ago, so most people have it. IMO
    Life is simple... There are three kinds of people in this world. People who can count and people who can't.
  • Posted on 22 March 15 at 02:11
    Going to grab Game of Thrones and Wild Arms, both are absolute steals at those prices.
    PSN ID: ScutumMagister
  • Posted on 22 March 15 at 11:33
    Massive shout out to Mysticalshadow86 for the link for us psn vouchers, bought $50 card through paypal and went smooth as silk, downloading shit loads as i type, (dumb & dumber to, birdman) already preparing zoots for tonights viewing, oh and a heap of games as well, to say im chuffed is an understatement
    A.D.H.D fanboy
  • Posted on 22 March 15 at 13:36
    General_Phuk_up said:Massive shout out to Mysticalshadow86 for the link for us psn vouchers, bought $50 card through paypal and went smooth as silk, downloading shit loads as i type, (dumb & dumber to, birdman) already preparing zoots for tonights viewing, oh and a heap of games as well, to say im chuffed is an understatementtoast
  • Posted on 22 March 15 at 21:47
    I got a $10 voucher sent to my US account a couple weeks back - looks like it might be time to use some of that money!

    Is Nelson Tethers Puzzle Agent any good? I can't get it on the Aussie store so I thought that might be worth a purchase?
    Hope for the best but expect the worst.
  • AhayzoAhayzo66,949
    Posted on 22 March 15 at 22:35
    Well I'm glad I saw this article this morning. Did Valve buy out Sony or something? I just bought 23 items (anything with trophies I didn't already have), normally $340.67, for $29.42. Awesome. I've especially been waiting for the Sam & Max Beyond Time and Space season to go on sale, I've loved the Devil's Playhouse games.
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 22 March 15 at 22:50
    A_Tennis_Giraffe said:I got a $10 voucher sent to my US account a couple weeks back - looks like it might be time to use some of that money!

    Is Nelson Tethers Puzzle Agent any good? I can't get it on the Aussie store so I thought that might be worth a purchase?
    If you want puzzlers I can recommend echochrome. It's artsy without getting in your face about it, and it wrinkes your brain.
    "Booyah." - Jeff Winger
  • Posted on 22 March 15 at 23:13
    Absolutely amazing flash sale. Although nothing on this list really "screamed" out to me, I grabbed titles that I've either wanted to play, thought of playing, or wanted to play for the hell of it. Grabbed "Tennis in the Face" (seriously?) and although I never would have bought it for normal price, it's a fun game to play for bursts on my Vita.

    Sony, please tell me you're learning something with this. Steam is successful for a reason!
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 22 March 15 at 23:27
    redknightalex said:Absolutely amazing flash sale. Although nothing on this list really "screamed" out to me, I grabbed titles that I've either wanted to play, thought of playing, or wanted to play for the hell of it. Grabbed "Tennis in the Face" (seriously?) and although I never would have bought it for normal price, it's a fun game to play for bursts on my Vita.

    Sony, please tell me you're learning something with this. Steam is successful for a reason!
    Careful now. Buying like this is a slippery slope, it's what made me give up on my X360. So many games in my backlog, so little games I wanted to play... I bought like crazy in this sale and all of it was games I actually want.

    ... well maybe Tokyo Jungle was a "hell for that price it seems fun" but the rest I actually wanted for a while (or in the case of echochrome, wanted as soon as I watched the trailer).
    "Booyah." - Jeff Winger
  • IllisiaIllisia61,564
    Posted on 22 March 15 at 23:49
    I just got $157.88 worth of games for $10. WIN!
  • Posted on 23 March 15 at 12:41
    Didn't realize everything that was on sale at first. Ended up getting Game of Thrones, Wild Arms, Wild Arms 2, Breath of Fire IV and Sacred Citadel.
    PSN ID: ScutumMagister
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