redknightalex said:Absolutely amazing flash sale. Although nothing on this list really "screamed" out to me, I grabbed titles that I've either wanted to play, thought of playing, or wanted to play for the hell of it. Grabbed "Tennis in the Face" (seriously?) and although I never would have bought it for normal price, it's a fun game to play for bursts on my Vita.
Sony, please tell me you're learning something with this. Steam is successful for a reason!Careful now. Buying like this is a slippery slope, it's what made me give up on my X360. So many games in my backlog, so little games I wanted to play... I bought like crazy in this sale and all of it was games I actually want.
... well maybe Tokyo Jungle was a "hell for that price it seems fun" but the rest I actually wanted for a while (or in the case of echochrome, wanted as soon as I watched the trailer).