All Messhof (Developer) News

PS4 Games Now Streaming On PlayStation Now

PlayStation 4 games are now available for streaming on the PS Now service in the US and EU. 20 PS4 titles are available in the US and 51 are available in the EU. Launch title Killzone: Shadow Fall is just one of a diverse group.

Posted 7 years ago by Jon

NA Playstation Store Discounts: August 4th, 2015

The Conversations with Creators series of interviews is over and so are the related discounts. This leaves the second week of the Summer Sale to grab all of the attention. While we do have the usual

Posted 9 years ago by Rebecca Smith

EU Playstation Store Discounts: July 1st, 2015

It is a new month which brings about a new set of sales. This month, Playstation has started a new four week long sale on digital titles, which sees a new list of games discounted each week. On offer

Posted 9 years ago by MunchMagic1986

North America PSN Flash Sale: May 15th, 2015

That time of the month rolls around yet again. It's Flash sale time!!!! This month's focus is Deals Under $5, leading to a variety of titles receiving discounts of up to 90%. These deals last until 9

Posted 9 years ago by Rebecca Smith

EU PSN Sales Now On

Sony have decided to treat gamers in the EU with four, yes four, different sales, along with the weekly Deal of the Week. On sale this week are the regular Digital Discounts, Games Under £16/€20, sav

Posted 9 years ago by MunchMagic1986

Europe - January Sale Right Now

If you thought the holidays brought all the discounts, think again. Europe's PlayStation in January seems to be sizing up quite nicely with discounts to even some of the more recent titles. All disco

Posted 9 years ago by Shadow Enz

EU Playstation Store Update: November 12th, 2014

Due to a couple of issues over the past two weeks, the Playstation Store Update hasn't been published. As such, this roundup not only showcases the new releases for this week, we're also adding in th

Posted 10 years ago by Rebecca Smith

NA Playstation Store Update: October 28th, 2014

Due to a couple of issues over the past two weeks, the Playstation Store Update hasn't been published. As such, this roundup not only showcases the new releases for this week, we're also adding in th

Posted 10 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Indie Game Nidhogg Coming to Vita

Some time ago, it was announced that Nidhogg would be coming to the PS4. While Vita owners could certainly have looked forward to Remote Play, the developers, Messhof, have done one better by announc

Posted 10 years ago by Brandon Fusco

Nidhogg Coming to Playstation 4

Indie developer, Messhoff, has revealed today that their multiplayer fencing title, Nidhogg, will be heading to the Playstation 4. While Nidhogg does includ

Posted 10 years ago by Matrarch

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