Games developed by Lexis Numérique

Games developed by Lexis NumériqueGames developed by Lexis Numérique




Red Johnson's Chronicles: One Against All

Red Johnson's Chronicles: One Against All

Publisher: Bandai Namco Entertainment
Released on September 12th 2012



Learning with The PooYoos - Episode 2

Learning with The PooYoos - Episode 2

Publisher: Lexis Numérique
Released on November 22nd 2011



Red Johnson's Chronicles

Red Johnson's Chronicles

Publisher: Lexis Numérique
Released on May 3rd 2011



Learning with The PooYoos - Episode 1

Learning with The PooYoos - Episode 1

Publisher: Lexis Numérique
Released on April 26th 2011



Latest Lexis Numérique (Developer) News

EU Playstation Now August 2016 Update Drowns Us In New Titles

Playstation Now is a much newer service in Europe than it is in North America, but that doesn't mean that Sony isn't trying to play catchup with its American counterpart. August's update adds a massive 59 titles to the list.

Posted 9 years ago by Rebecca Smith

NA PS Now Update - June 2016

Sony has updated the PS Now games list for North America with 50 new additions

Posted 9 years ago by MunchMagic1986

105 New Games Added To Playstation Now

If you have been disappointed by the list of games available on PS Now and don't feel like you are getting your money's worth, or perhaps are on the fence about getting it, then maybe some new games will help.

Posted 10 years ago by MunchMagic1986

NA Playstation Store Update: June 9th, 2015 We'll start with the Playstation 4 content. There is a single new retail release this week: Bethesda's online role-playing saga in Tamriel. Joining

Posted 10 years ago by Rebecca Smith