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Whats Happening: 12/16/13
Current Stats:
- Trophies Won: 673
- TT Score: 21,886
- TT Ratio: 1.3573
- Completion Percentage: 59.04%
- Completed Games: 5
- Site Rank: 3,104

Current Goals (1/1/14 Deadline):
- Trophies Won: 750
- TT Score: 25,000
- TT Ratio: 1.4000
- Completion Percentage: 65.00%
- Completed Games: 7
- Site Rank: 2,750

What's Happened Recently:

Call of Duty: World at War
Started out with Call of Duty: World at War, very proud to say I was able to Platinum it after a very difficult playthrough on Veteran. Other than a few Map Pack 3 trophies this game is pretty much done.

Batman: Arkham City
Initially only meant to clean up all the side missions and Riddler challenges, but I got sucked in and ended up getting Perfect Knight 2.0. I also played through the Harley Quinn's Revenge DLC. Not amazing, but it was entertaining and offered some easy trophies. All I have left before I Platinum this is Storyteller.

Ratchet Deadlocked
As of now I've almost completed my first playthrough. Picked up about a dozen fairly simple trophies.

What's Happening Now
I found this site at the beginning of November. Decided that I would "tidy up" my profile since I had a lot of games on my account with little progress. This means I'm not going to start any new games on this account until I've reached certain status points using the titles already on here.

What's Happening Soon:

Ratchet Deadlocked
Looking to Platinum this. Hopefully it won't take too much longer

A very entertaining game by one of my favorite devs, seemed a bit repetitive, kind of like Assassins Creed 1. Still a lot of fun. Want to at least beat the campaign and pick up some of the collectible and task-based trophies along the way.

God of War HD
Didn't really enjoy this the first time I played it but I figure I'll power through and at least beat the campaign.

Heavy Rain
This is a game I really enjoyed I just stopped playing for a bit and now I want to restart the story to refresh myself on it, but am a bit hesitant to repeat everything I've already done. Again, just looking to beat the main game.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Gonna just clean up some of the random task trophies. Probably gonna be a while before I play it, World at War gave me enough FPS play for a while.

Call of Duty: Black Ops
Same as above.
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User Leaderboard Access Pos Gamers %ile
needavacation CAG Community Public 171 186 91.94
GrmRpr69 US Gamers Public 128 150 85.33
rabidpanda513 Jak & Daxter/Ratchet & Clank/Sly Cooper Fans Public 7 9 77.78

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rabidpanda513's Recent Games

Fallout 3


Fallout 3
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time


Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
BioShock (PS3)


BioShock (PS3)
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