MitchCRafT_nM3's Blog - Jul to Sep 15 (5 followers)

Mitchcrafts Summer Sci-fi Scorchers - Day 14 part 2 - The Fly 2Permalink
WARNING This will contain spoilers for the first movie if you have not seen it yet!

We open with a scene of a girl giving birth to very horrible creatures in a science laboratory and i was not sure if this was meant to be Veronica played by Geena Davis in the first film who you will know if you have seen it was pregnant with the character play by Jeff, Seth Brundel's babies and she was terrified demanding an abortion. Geena is not in this movie but the girl on the medical bed giving birth to this strange creature certainly could be used as a replacement for her looking very similar to her and we also see the person looking on who saved her life in the first film who appears to have went to the company Seth worked for to get help with her pregnancy, Bartok Industries. This is however a science and technology corporation and we always know they are the kind of bad guys in these kind of movies.

It is Veronica who delivers the deformed baby but it in actually an encasing which has a proper looking baby hidden inside but Veronica dies before getting the chance to see this.

Bartok is studying Seth and Veronica's baby Martin played by Eric Stoltz who is growing at a rapid rate compared to non fly spliced children lol. He also learns a lot quicker due to having a photographic memory and is said to never sleep. 11 month old Martin is seen running around like a 3 year old where as our children would normally be just starting to try stand up holding on to something at that age taking very small steps so it is clear just how quick he is growing. He is also talking like the age of a 3 year old child but all aside from him growing and learning at a rapid speed he comes across as a very healthy normal looking child. Martin is next seen looking a bit older and is following in his fathers foot steps creating things and comes across as highly intelligent. The scientists are not exactly caring people, they refer to him as a subject while talking to him and seem to get very frustrated with him all the time.

Martin wants to know why Mr Bartok has not come to see him and if he can go see him instead but is told no because he is a level 3 project and Mr Bartok is in the Level 4 area but Martin being clever manages to give him self clearance to enter the area where we see there is some sort of tests being done on flies, Martin places his hand on a glass container full of flies and they react by making the shape of his hand where he pressed against it so we are starting to see the fly inside Martin already although he still looks very human.

Martin is very inquisitive and starts walking around the labs and finds him self a dog he likes but the next time he goes to visit him he is gone so Martin goes looking for him, where is he to be found? In a room with the teleportation devices!

Martin reaches 5 years old and we see on screen Eric Stoltz who must have been in his mid twenties at the time! Martin finally gets a little privacy in the form of his own house and the offer to work for Bartok working on his fathers teleportation device which they can not get to work and hope that Martin being Seth's son can do what they have been trying to do for the past five years but failing. Martin accepts after being given the video logs recorded by Veronica in the first movie and he goes on to succeed in making the teleportation device work.

Martin finds out though that the injections he has been receiving to keep him from transforming in to The Fly are a fake and that the privacy he thought he had was also a lie so goes to seek help. He knows the cure but he also knows it means doing something he may not be able to live with if he does it but if he doesn't he will either die or be the fly.

I don't find this movie to be nearly as freaky as the first one and the Fly is more hideous than scary. There is also one of those scenes where someone is going to die but has like an entire life time to get out of the way but sits there welcoming death lol

Overall a 6/10 but may as well watch to conclude the first part.
Posted by MitchCRafT_nM3 on 29 July 15 at 18:28 | Last edited on 29 July 15 at 18:29 | There are no comments on this blog - Please log in to comment on this blog.
Mitchcrafts Sci-Fi Summer Scorchers - day 14 - The FlyPermalink
Jeff Goldblum is an actor that you either love or hate, there seems to be no in between. Personally i love him, he actually looks like my dad or my dad looks like him lol.

That is not the reason though, i actually think he has a style of acting that is very rare and before you say, yeah shit, nope that is not rare, there are many that are shit =p

No there is just something about his voice and some sort of enthusiasm about him that i enjoy and yes The Fly is old and we don't seem to see much of him these days, i believe he does more of the background work rather than on the stage which is a shame, i really wanted him in the latest Jurassic World movie but oh well we are here to talk about Sci-Fi horror The Fly!!! clap

We have another actor who seems to have vanished from the lime light these days, Gina Davis who i thought was a great actor/actress whatever you want to call her if you are the politically correct type, meh =p . She was brilliant in The Long kiss Goodnight and many other films but i am not sure what she is doing these days either, maybe she has enough money and does something else she enjoys and why not!

Sorry about that after a quick IMDB check it seems Geena who i have been spelling her name wrongly has actually been very active but just not in things i personally watch. The same goes with Jeff who is actually in the middle of filming The new Independence Day: Resurgence movie so i will be looking forward to that smile

We start off with Gina and Jeff at a science convention where Gina seems to be some sort of reporter and Jeff pursues Gina trying to convince her that all the other scientists are boring but that he has something special that will amaze her back at his place. We see them travel to Jeff's plac and Jeff asks Gina for something special to show off what Gina calls his fancy phone booths clearly not believing that Jeff has created a teleportation device. Gina slides off her stocking handing it to him still in disbelief looking at him like he is a nut job. A little off topic here but there is a conspiracy theory that such devices exist and that was why there was a lot of war in Iraq as one was found there recently. I am not saying i believe this but man just imagine if this was true! Google it for your selves to get the full story.

Gina sees the teleportation of her stocking and is still in disbelief as i think many people would be if they saw such a thing, i mean we see amazing magic tricks these days and would need a good few tries to fully believe our eyes. Gina finally starts to take it in and from being completely passive and like yeah whatever man she goes in to wow mode as she realises this is real! Gina then goes on to say she is definitely publishing this in her magazine as Jeff starts freaking out and wants it kept a secret.

Jeff and Gina finally agree that she will document his research and write a book on the process but Jeff can only transport non living items to begin with and this film used to really freak me out when i was younger as we see him try teleport a baboon but it fails in a disgusting mess.

After much trial and error Jeff finally gets living matter to teleport and tries it him self and i think i don't need to tell you what happens from here on out. Lets just say i remember there being lots of disgusting scenes that really freaked me out as a kid but as i watched it as an adult i could handle them this time a lot better but i did want to look away a few times but i think that was just related to my thoughts as a child lol. Lets say if you can handle Hostel and the SAW movies you should be fine .

*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***

Not on Netflix this time, sorry but it is a must watch if you have not seen it already, an 8/10 for me!
Posted by MitchCRafT_nM3 on 29 July 15 at 04:35 | Last edited on 29 July 15 at 05:20 | There are no comments on this blog - Please log in to comment on this blog.
Summer Sci-Fi Scrochers - Day 13 - DOOMPermalink
We have reached Mars at last but something has gone wrong, very wrong!

We start off seeing a team of marines transport in a very cool way from a special underground unit on Earth to Mars where a group of scientists are doing experiments and have found a skeleton of a humanoid being that has 24 chromosomes which makes her very special but they do not know why this race died out. On the way we see a weapons room with the BFG smile More on that later though. A lot of the scenes remind me of ALIENS to be honest which is never a bad thing.

As the team tries to lock down the base they come across one of the scientists holding a human arm while he then goes and rips off his ears. We can tell something very bad is happening here. They get him to the medical room where he repeats "Shut it down" and shakes with fear.

As they patrol they come across some very deformed beings and realise they are going to need better weapons so you guessed it it's time to go get the Big Fucking Gun!

So what the hell are these things that are running rampant around the archaeological dig? Well that i will leave for you to find out. I will say this though there are some cool homages to the video game and a scene i love that gives us the view of FPS and imo is awesome.

Fans of WWF/WWE will be happy as The Rock stars in this and there are plenty other faces you will know also from films like Lock Stock and 2 smoking Barrels, The Bourne Supremacy/Ultimatum and Gone Girl. The Chain Saw also stars in this film wink

Again this is on Netflix now and my rating a 7/10
Posted by MitchCRafT_nM3 on 28 July 15 at 17:46 | Last edited on 28 July 15 at 17:54 | There is 1 comment on this blog post - Please log in to comment on this blog.
Summer Sci-Fi Scrochers - Day 12 - OblivionPermalink
Are you an affective team? We are, an affective team!

Earth has been destroyed and the population has moved to Titan and to do so the Tet needs to suck up water from the ocean.

There is a problem though there are things out there destroying these water harvesters and it is Tom Cruises job to fix the drones that fly the skies and keep them safe.

Hmmm i am not sure what i can say that would not spoil the movie for you. OK lets talk about the cast, like i say we have Tom Cruise, we have Morgan Freeman, Olga Kurylenko, Andrea Riseborough and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau who you would know from Game Of Thrones as Jamie Lannister. So we have a decent line up there. Visuals are pretty cool and have a nice futuristic look to it. I have watched the movie twice now and enjoyed it both times. If you like a twist you will get a nice one in this.

I don't think there is really much more i can say without spoiling it in all honesty.

It is on Netflix now and i give it a 8/10 and a recommendation to go watch it if you have not done so already smile
Posted by MitchCRafT_nM3 on 27 July 15 at 17:24 | Last edited on 27 July 15 at 17:25 | There are no comments on this blog - Please log in to comment on this blog.
Summer Sci-Fi Scrochers - Days 10 & 11 - Robocop 1,2,3 and remakePermalink
Sorry Days 10 & 11, i was looking at dates lol

OK so in my last blog i promised i had more to come that day but i decided to watch the entire set of Robocop films and would do one blog for them all.

I'll buy that for a Dollar would have been good on the remake because that's what it's worth! Nah it's not that bad but of course the originals are always the best.

The first movie was great, it was all about evil corporation trying to take over the city. We see one person who wants to make ED-209 a military mech like machine and another make the Robocop but to do this they need a human, a dead one to integrate robotics in to the human body and this lucky fellow is Murphy. Unfortunately Robocop still has some of his memories which haunt him and lead him back to the evil corporate man Dick Jones who created the failure ED-209 who can be beaten by a set of stairs.

The 2 main things we have throughout the originals are that we have a man turned in to a robot fighting for his memories of when he was a human and the 2nd is that an evil corporation is trying to build a city but to do so they have to remove the people who live there and this carries on through all the movies, we see corrupt politicians working with drug lords and in the 2nd movie a cool robot fight that the 1st movie missed. I remember when i was a kid Cain, the robot in the 2nd movie used to scare the shit out of me but now i see it differently. I have to say that people need to ignore the ratings on IMDB once again for these films. The first 2 movies are good imo, they have some funny adverts that just pop on screen and i actually enjoy the comedy they added to them. The 3rd does have some funny moments also.

The 3rd movie is about the evil corporation finally getting to clean up Detroit and build a new city, Delta City! Robocop joins the rebellion though and wants to try help the people of Detroit keep their homes.

It uses the security over liberty bull shit we hear every day since 9/11 and quite frankly i find it insulting to the people who died that day and their families and i find it an insult to the people in the middle east who are constantly under attack because they happen to be in an oil rich area that greedy corporation can't leave alone. In the film they have these terminator like drones going around the middle east where they say they have embraced this and are happy to have these things walking their streets, what a joke! As a demonstration of this is going on of course they have a middle eastern man try take them out, wow we didn't see that coming, those nasty middle eastern people *Sigh! I mean who wouldn't do this? If you had some other country constantly attack you and sending drones killing your children etc calling them collateral damage would you stand idly by? Of course not! After the demonstration we see Samuel L Jackson spew his garbage about why doesn't America have these drones patrol the streets there also. Oh just wait, they will this is all the film is about is getting people to accept them. This is how they are selling it to the American public, they need a robot that has a human touch to it so that the corporation can finally get the public to accept them and again Alex Murphy is that man to become the Robocop. Believe it or not although this is a movie what i have just spoke about is actually in debate right now, they want drones flying around America too, obviously not ED-209 roaming the streets but small drones that can see through your walls, not only in America though the UK also and pretty much everywhere that is part of the United Nations and just like in the movie they are trying to sell it to the public as safety over liberty. They also try persuade you that CCTV is a great thing, so yay to spying on everyone. This is done by Robocop being able to tap in to all CCTV recordings and basically solve his own murder.

The thing is there is no main bad guy throughout the remake where as in the originals there was always one guy you would be routing against, for example everyone who has seen the first movie known the name Dick Jones lol. The 2nd movie had Cain the evil drug lord who was also turned in to a cyborg and gave us an awesome fight that the other movies were missing imo.

One thing i like about the remake that they done differently was that they made Murphy's family still want contact with him but in the original Murphy/Robocop was seen as stalking his family who wanted nothing to do with him.

Another thing i like about the remake is that they show how the public do not want drones but try to sway the argument that safety is always better than liberty which unfortunately some people actually believe :( .

The remake does do a good job though of taking things that need to be looked at today such as the drone argument because they are used to kill innocent children all the time and are called collateral damage which if it happened to anyone in any other country that is not in the middle east i can guarantee there would be a call for war.

The unfortunate thing about the remake is Samuel L Laurence, his character is a complete arrogant jack ass and yes there are people like him in America, the UK and many other countries and sadly many morons listen to them and they are the majority of what we call voters laugh

The remake also gives us a fight against the ED-209 but will the stairs defeat him this time? laugh Go watch it now on Netflix to find out =p

My ratings

Robocop 7/10
Robocop 2 7.5/10
Robocop 3 4/10
Remake 7/10
Posted by MitchCRafT_nM3 on 26 July 15 at 18:45 | Last edited on 26 July 15 at 21:54 | There are no comments on this blog - Please log in to comment on this blog.
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