queensmistake's Blog - Apr to Jun 15 (0 followers)

You know you're heading into a boss fight when...Permalink
Now I realize this is a trope more than anything... but certain games... RPGs especially are pretty typical in using these stereotypes.


You know you're heading into a boss fight when...

1. You enter a really long hallway with a save point either at it's beginning or end with no actual enemies in the hallway itself.

2. An extreme shift or change in the mood of the music.

Please feel free to comment and add more to this list as honestly I think we all know a few of the ear marks for a boss fight.

Ta! dance
Posted by queensmistake on 20 April 15 at 07:01 | There are 5 comments on this blog post - Please log in to comment on this blog.
Actual LuckPermalink
Good news everyone!

Admit it... you just read that in Hubert Farnsworth's voice. wink

So. I am an adult who spends most of my money paying bills. A very normal and adult activity. As such I was not able to purchase the PlayStation 3 when it first came out roughly nine years ago. It was sitting in the six hundred buck neighborhood and that was a serious HELL no. At the time of it's release I had a Wii, an XBOX 360, a Nintendo DS, and a PlayStation 2. I was a happy camper. I got all of those consoles one at a time after waiting diligently for them to go down in cost. I couldn't justify buying a new PlayStation console when my PS2 was still in excellent working order. Unfortunately my nephew's PS2 died a very sudden and horrible death. So I gave him mine since he's such a cutie patootie. wave As I no longer had the console I also gave him all of my PS2 games as well. That was that for right then. At the time I gave him my PS2 I was heavily enjoying Final Fantasy XIII on my XBOX. All was well. I had games I enjoyed playing and I practiced yet again what I always do with big expensive purchases. I waited.

I waited and I waited. While the waiting was occurring I was experiencing withdrawal from my JRPG games but I still managed to keep it together.

The day finally came when I would not need to wait anymore. I was out at lunch with my mother at a casino. Really nice buffet and maybe see a movie later together. We got out of lunch and thought "Hey why not?" as we looked over at the slot machines. So we each pulled out a five dollar bill just to see if any luck were present that day.

It was the first time I had ever had luck on the infamous 'one-armed bandit'. I put in five and it gave me back nearly 150 dollars. I was in shock for about half a minute then I got my butt over to GameStop and bought myself a refurbed PS3. I bought the HD remasters of the Kingdom Hearts games and Final Fantasy X/X-2 as well as those games in particular will always bring me great joy. headspin

So I am now a proud owner of a PS3 and I look forward to interacting here on True Trophies like I enjoy doing on True Achievements. ^____^

If anyone has some game suggestions for me to try out as I'm playing catch up please feel free to throw them my way.

Thanks alot for taking the time to read this and I hope you and everyone else has a wonderful day.

Posted by queensmistake on 17 April 15 at 23:46 | There are 8 comments on this blog post - Please log in to comment on this blog.
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